Acupuncture diagnosis
Acupuncture diagnosis
There are many types of acupuncture, it can be traditional Chinese acupuncture, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean or even Mongolian.
They all have common conceptions that these methods are based upon.
Different methods of acupuncture equally understand what is Qi, illness, Yin and Yang, 5 elements and use corresponding acupuncture diagnosis tools providing valuable clinical information.
It is the acupuncturist's job to find out where and how imbalance has occurred and to correct it.
And acupuncture treatment is an excellent method for gaining back re-balancing, but prior to any treatment, an acupuncturist should be able to make correct acupuncture diagnosis.
Acupuncture diagnosis has been a vital part of the acupuncture and uses different perspectives to analyze health problems.
Diagnostic methods in Chinese acupuncture include 4 general methods:
inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry and palpation. The four diagnostic methods are indispensable and thus, analyzed and generalized together to find the nature and connections of the illness.
In addition there are some contemporary methods of acupuncture diagnosis appeared not so long ago. Among them we can name Ryodoraku method gaining more and more popularity and gaining more attraction of researchers and specialists in Oriental medicine.
In more details about Ryodoraku method we will speak later in our articles.