BioPulse Ryodoraku

Biopulse APP is an acupunture points screening and treatment application.

The mobile application will be useful for alternative medicine practitioners practicing acupuncture (Chinese, Korean, etc.), Ryodoraku method, chiropractic, naturopathy and other methods. Using a smartphone or tablet a practitioner will be able to manage clients database, enter measurement results and view measurement graphs showing meridian imbalances.

In order to enter measurement values, you can use the device Biopulse Pro to measure acupuncture point and send measurement results via Bluetooth or if you have another measuring device, you can enter measurement results manually.

By purchasing subsription for relevant features in the application settings, you will be able to receive meridian analysis reports, acupuncture treatment recommendations, send information to a client and many other features.

The client database can be synchronized between the smartphone/tablet, software for PC, online site for convenient work with clients.

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App BioPulse

Medical Frequency Program 1.0

The program allows to infuence with the frequency therapy on certain organs and body systems, promoting body resistance to different ailments. 7 days trial period is given to check the frequency therapy efficacy. Having selected necessary ailments, check them with a tick box and set the generation time of the frequency during 180 seconds. If you have several problems, we advise to select not more than 3 diseases at one time. If you feel not well, stop using the program immediately until you clarify the reason.

App Medical Frequency Program

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