Acupuncture Software
Acupuncture Software
Meridian Testing Program v.2.0 and TCM Pro v.1.0 are specialized acupuncture software and come along with the hardware for acupuncturists, students, practitioners, chiropractors, educators and researchers.
With the help of user-friendly acupuncture software designed to help practitioners and students of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture quickly and easily evaluate their patients' detailed information about meridians and assist in the diagnosis by treatment recommendations based on acupuncture meridian measurement results. The acupuncture software TCM Pro designed for Ryodoraku diagnostics is an extraordinary and more effective tool in comparison to any other computerized tools that currently exist in the market. It is available at an affordable price and provides 3 functions in one software. They are: Ryodoraku diagnostics with treatment recommendations, color therapy module with recommendations for color therapy and frequency therapy function with more than 1000 names of Western medicine diseases that can be used for health correction as an additional aid or independent treatment method with positive healing effect.
The acupuncture software program TCM Pro is structured to be used either as a diagnostic tool or as a complementary tool along with other functions.
However, even at basic and essential levels, like Meridian Testing Program v.2.0, the software provides the practitioner with immediate and specific information that can help clarify diagnostic information and symptomology.
It is simple to learn and simple to use with the patient record database included in the system.
Presented in an accessible format, the software gives the practitioner and student access to a handy and portable aid to impressive capabilities and options.